Children will ask and say exactly what's on their minds.

Monday, November 24, 2014
All is well. Email coming in some time. Hopefully.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Dear Parents, Mom and Dad/Dad and Mom,
Okay, that explains the CD I received in the mail. (We, his parents, sent him an early gift with Christmas music on a CD.) I had no idea why I received it and I decided not to open it. I wanted to see if I was allowed first and I am guessing that I am. (Yes, we intended for him to open it because he likes Christmas music year round.) Thank you! I will definitely keep my eye out for any large packages of unusual size (kind of like rats of unusual size). (Possibly a reference to some rats who would try and chew through our plastic tub of dog food in our garage. We finally killed them with D-Con and they were very large indeed.)
It sounds like the two of you have been busy with the missionaries. That sounds really exciting as to all that has happened. Oh, speaking of President Gelwix, I was talking to one of the daughters of the members upstairs (all their children are grown and are adults, etc.) and I told her that President Gelwix was the mission president of the Fresno California Mission. She thought that was cool, because he was her bishop while she was in Utah. She thought it was right that he would become a mission president. I am also glad to hear that you were able to try some Korean food.
Speaking of family history, on the time that I have available to do family history (e.g. when I am not doing the progress record), I have been trying to look at our cousins and am looking at where our tree spirals. I am looking at siblings and their spouses. It allows me to become familiar with Ancestry and allows me to become more involved. I found all sorts of things, such as polygamists and people with many, many children (like 16, granted not all of them grew to adulthood).
It has been a good week. Monday, it rained hard. We were going to take fall pictures, but it rained. So, I cleaned our apartment. (It has been cold, until today, so we had to use our wood stove for heat. My efforts in cleaning has somewhat failed. We have all sorts of leaves and such on our carpet. At least the bathroom is clean.) We tried to visit some people before family home evening, but it did not work. We made it to family home evening on time. Afterwards, there was child who was asking all sorts of questions about us missionaries.
Child: "Why do you live in the basement? Why don't you just buy your own house?"
Us: "We cannot afford a house. We cannot afford the materials even to build us a shack or hut. Luckily, we have generous people."
Child: "Why don't you have a car?"
Us: "We do have a car. We have limited miles on it, though."
Child: "Why can't you just drive wherever you like?"
Us: "We have limited miles. To go over affects the Church and dips into tithing funds."
By the end of this game of 20 questions, the child screamed with an outraged cry, "Ya'll are not normal. Ya'll are weird." Dear child, yes, we are most definitely unusual.
Tuesday, we had our tire fixed. It was still leaking air, slowly. We called about it to the car missionary and they told us to go to a tire shop, which we did. It did not take much time. The rest of the day was spent trying to see people with little success. The senior missionaries called us for aid in giving a priesthood blessing to an elderly sister.
Wednesday, we did some extra things around the apartment that we did not get done. We were able to see an elderly gentlemen, who comes to church off and on, and talk to him for a while. We tried some of our investigators, but again, there was little success. Even one of our appointments cancelled that day.
Thursday, rolls around. We had zone workshops that day. It was all about role playing and teaching. Added to it, during the role playing, our actions were recorded and replayed for our evaluation. I did not like to watch myself. It was odd. I notice a few things about myself and what I do. Also that day, I went on exchanges with the zone leaders and I ended up in Mechanicsville. I was with the zone leader who came to Powhatan that one time to help tract our area. Well, I tracted during the exchange and we found one new person. This adolescent had a sincere desire to learn more. He was very interested in history, but was confused about things. We explained and helped him understand. Later that day, I saw two of their investigators and it went well.
Friday, I returned to Tappahannock. We planned that day for this week, we had our car washed, and my companion helped rake leaves. We saw a less active and taught her about praying with earnest. We saw an investigator, who I am sure we are going to have to take things slowly. I am not sure if he is mentally all there. Right now, it is a matter of seeing where he is at.
Saturday, we helped the elderly lady of whom we aided in giving a blessing. I cut her hedges with an electric hedge cutter. The electric cutter was light and my back did not hurt afterwards. However, my arms were gelatin by the end. By the next day, I was not able to lift my arms high. We worked on our progress record and were able to talk to an investigator who had been ditching us (who we had set on date). After dinner, we saw the single mother, who was a forensic psychologist, and tried to teach her. In my opinion, it was not the best it could have been. I do think we need to make her lessons, if not everyone's, a spiritual experience. This single mother has been taught for over a year now; I mean, Elder Meibos, I believe, found her. She knows the Book of Mormon is true, Joseph Smith is a prophet, and believes that Thomas S. Monson is a prophet. Her hold up is her promise to a deceased grandfather to remain Catholic. We tell her that she needs to pray, though she is hesitant (because she knows the answer already). Hence, this is where I believe we need to make the lessons spiritual. It is a work in progress.
Sunday, we had church and choir practice. We tried to see an investigator, but it not work out so well. So, we studied. We had, with the members' upstairs, a pre-Thanksgiving dinner. She made a turkey casserole, mashed potatoes, and other things. After dinner, we tried to see the investigator, whom I am not too sure about, but that failed. We checked up on the elderly sister whom we have helped a lot this past week.
Yesterday, as precursor for the next email, was hectic, which is why I am emailing today. I wrote Monday and Tuesday yesterday, while I wrote the rest today. I hope you have a Happy Dead Bird Day!
Oh, and I received the box today on Tuesday, just before I left to come to the library. Thanks!
All is well!
Elder S. Todd

Monday, November 24, 2014
All is well. Email coming in some time. Hopefully.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Dear Parents, Mom and Dad/Dad and Mom,
Okay, that explains the CD I received in the mail. (We, his parents, sent him an early gift with Christmas music on a CD.) I had no idea why I received it and I decided not to open it. I wanted to see if I was allowed first and I am guessing that I am. (Yes, we intended for him to open it because he likes Christmas music year round.) Thank you! I will definitely keep my eye out for any large packages of unusual size (kind of like rats of unusual size). (Possibly a reference to some rats who would try and chew through our plastic tub of dog food in our garage. We finally killed them with D-Con and they were very large indeed.)
It sounds like the two of you have been busy with the missionaries. That sounds really exciting as to all that has happened. Oh, speaking of President Gelwix, I was talking to one of the daughters of the members upstairs (all their children are grown and are adults, etc.) and I told her that President Gelwix was the mission president of the Fresno California Mission. She thought that was cool, because he was her bishop while she was in Utah. She thought it was right that he would become a mission president. I am also glad to hear that you were able to try some Korean food.
Speaking of family history, on the time that I have available to do family history (e.g. when I am not doing the progress record), I have been trying to look at our cousins and am looking at where our tree spirals. I am looking at siblings and their spouses. It allows me to become familiar with Ancestry and allows me to become more involved. I found all sorts of things, such as polygamists and people with many, many children (like 16, granted not all of them grew to adulthood).
It has been a good week. Monday, it rained hard. We were going to take fall pictures, but it rained. So, I cleaned our apartment. (It has been cold, until today, so we had to use our wood stove for heat. My efforts in cleaning has somewhat failed. We have all sorts of leaves and such on our carpet. At least the bathroom is clean.) We tried to visit some people before family home evening, but it did not work. We made it to family home evening on time. Afterwards, there was child who was asking all sorts of questions about us missionaries.
Child: "Why do you live in the basement? Why don't you just buy your own house?"
Us: "We cannot afford a house. We cannot afford the materials even to build us a shack or hut. Luckily, we have generous people."
Child: "Why don't you have a car?"
Us: "We do have a car. We have limited miles on it, though."
Child: "Why can't you just drive wherever you like?"
Us: "We have limited miles. To go over affects the Church and dips into tithing funds."
By the end of this game of 20 questions, the child screamed with an outraged cry, "Ya'll are not normal. Ya'll are weird." Dear child, yes, we are most definitely unusual.
Tuesday, we had our tire fixed. It was still leaking air, slowly. We called about it to the car missionary and they told us to go to a tire shop, which we did. It did not take much time. The rest of the day was spent trying to see people with little success. The senior missionaries called us for aid in giving a priesthood blessing to an elderly sister.
Wednesday, we did some extra things around the apartment that we did not get done. We were able to see an elderly gentlemen, who comes to church off and on, and talk to him for a while. We tried some of our investigators, but again, there was little success. Even one of our appointments cancelled that day.
Thursday, rolls around. We had zone workshops that day. It was all about role playing and teaching. Added to it, during the role playing, our actions were recorded and replayed for our evaluation. I did not like to watch myself. It was odd. I notice a few things about myself and what I do. Also that day, I went on exchanges with the zone leaders and I ended up in Mechanicsville. I was with the zone leader who came to Powhatan that one time to help tract our area. Well, I tracted during the exchange and we found one new person. This adolescent had a sincere desire to learn more. He was very interested in history, but was confused about things. We explained and helped him understand. Later that day, I saw two of their investigators and it went well.
Friday, I returned to Tappahannock. We planned that day for this week, we had our car washed, and my companion helped rake leaves. We saw a less active and taught her about praying with earnest. We saw an investigator, who I am sure we are going to have to take things slowly. I am not sure if he is mentally all there. Right now, it is a matter of seeing where he is at.
Saturday, we helped the elderly lady of whom we aided in giving a blessing. I cut her hedges with an electric hedge cutter. The electric cutter was light and my back did not hurt afterwards. However, my arms were gelatin by the end. By the next day, I was not able to lift my arms high. We worked on our progress record and were able to talk to an investigator who had been ditching us (who we had set on date). After dinner, we saw the single mother, who was a forensic psychologist, and tried to teach her. In my opinion, it was not the best it could have been. I do think we need to make her lessons, if not everyone's, a spiritual experience. This single mother has been taught for over a year now; I mean, Elder Meibos, I believe, found her. She knows the Book of Mormon is true, Joseph Smith is a prophet, and believes that Thomas S. Monson is a prophet. Her hold up is her promise to a deceased grandfather to remain Catholic. We tell her that she needs to pray, though she is hesitant (because she knows the answer already). Hence, this is where I believe we need to make the lessons spiritual. It is a work in progress.
Sunday, we had church and choir practice. We tried to see an investigator, but it not work out so well. So, we studied. We had, with the members' upstairs, a pre-Thanksgiving dinner. She made a turkey casserole, mashed potatoes, and other things. After dinner, we tried to see the investigator, whom I am not too sure about, but that failed. We checked up on the elderly sister whom we have helped a lot this past week.
Yesterday, as precursor for the next email, was hectic, which is why I am emailing today. I wrote Monday and Tuesday yesterday, while I wrote the rest today. I hope you have a Happy Dead Bird Day!
Oh, and I received the box today on Tuesday, just before I left to come to the library. Thanks!
All is well!
Elder S. Todd