Monday, November 18, 2013
Dear Parents, Mom and Dad/Dad and Mom,
Good news is that I am not being transferred. No calls yesterday, so that is a definite sign. (Unless, of course, they forgot to call, but I am optimistic.) So, yes, no transfer for me. Thank you for sending me that laugh. It is good to laugh. This transfer was a lot of personal spiritual growth. I am refocusing my efforts and am working hard. I am glad to hear about my dog and I am glad that she is keeping warm. I am glad to see that missionary work in Lemoore is going well. Congrats on the work!
Oh by the way, I have a secondary medical insurance called Missionary Medical. I do not know if you knew that, but it would be great for you to know and to let our primary insurance know. Just in case I plan to take a visit to the hospital any time soon.
So, I hardly have enough time emailing. I can barely email president.
So, this week. Elder Sitati came on Tuesday and talked to us about our missionary purpose. It was awesome. I received a lot of personal insight and had a lot of personal revelation. We plan on using that to put on a fireside to teach members about missionary work. We did service; a lot of raking leaves. A lot of spiritual insights. This week was great in spiritual insights. I learned a lot. Our investigators are doing good, sort of. Two got injured this past week. One got in a car accident in Arizona and snapped his arm. Another was riding his bike and fell into a ditch. He injured his head, shoulder, and knee. One investigator family is leaving and moving to another area. Others we need to contact again, because they have not talked to us in a while. Still working hard, though.
That sums up my week. I have been praying a lot to know what I need to do. I need to be a shepherd. I am learning a lot about having compassion.
I love you. All is well.
Elder S. Todd
(Who is Elder Sitati?
Elder Joseph W. Sitati
First Quorum of the Seventy
Elder Joseph W. Sitati was sustained a member of the First Quorum of the Seventy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on April 4, 2009, at age 56. At the time of his call, he had been serving as president of the Nigeria Calabar Mission.

Since joining the Church in 1986, Elder Sitati has served in numerous callings, including branch president’s counselor, branch president, district president, mission president’s counselor, stake president, Area Seventy, and mission president.
Joseph Wafula Sitati was born in Bungoma, Kenya, in May 1952. He married Gladys Nangoni in July 1976. They are the parents of five children and currently reside in Accra Ghana, where he serves in the Africa West Area presidency.)