Do A Good Turn Daily: Chocolate and Snow
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Dear Parents, Mom and Dad/Dad and Mom,
I am not struggling at all. In fact, I am the happiest I have ever been. I am feeling more confident, I am starting to care about my appearance. I am feeling good. I feel as though I am expected to make changes to my interests and likes. I honestly have yet to see that. Rather, I feel as though I am making a change in personality. Like I said, I am feeling more confident and more happy. My interests have actually expanded. I am far more interested in doing my duties (family history, etc.) now. Yet at the same time, I still have my interests in criminals, history, writing, and other things. The point of it all, I am changing my personality and I have been hoping it is realized.
Well, I forgot my other planner, because this now past transfer has officially ended. Back to the highlights of what I can remember. So, last Monday (2/10), we worked very hard to get a ride to the library. Sometimes, member rides do not work out as well as we hope. We also found out, that the second set of elders were both set for a transfer. Tuesday and Wednesday were a blur; so I do not remember much.
Thursday, it snowed during the night. We were expecting a dusting, but it dumped. We got up in the morning at 6 to go shovel some people's driveways. At first, we started with the snow shovel we did have (we only have one) and a broom. The broom was originally to sweep off the dusting, but it turned out to be used to excavate cars. There was a foot of snow (or less) and it was not that hard to get it shoveled. Though for a time, with one shovel, I felt pretty useless. But, I could help to tell my companion, who knows exactly where this comes from, "Bend the slurry, woman!" (The Last Airbender) We worked from 6 to 10 in the morning, found two potential people, able to borrow a snow shovel, and get paid in hot chocolate.
It took a while before the giant snow plows came to individual streets. I made my first snowman and snowwoman. (Today, they are currently headless and slowly melting.) One of the elders slipped and fell on the stairs. Apparently due to the accident, he actually cut his bum.
Friday, it snowed a bit, not much. It stayed warm. My bike is currently in repairs, but luckily a member was getting rid of a bike, so I have some form of travel. (My companion hates to walk.) There were some trails in the woods we were using for a time, which was a lot of fun.
Saturday turned to be the day of transfers, because of the snow. We got the two new people, which are Elder Malone and Elder Hathcock. I worked with Elder Malone; he was in my district back in Fredericksburg. I got to hear a transfer's worth of updates about what is going on in Fredericksburg. Yesterday, we relaxed, because somebody volunteered themselves to go take us around (for shopping, etc.). If we ever want to go anywhere, (a) a member has to take us and (b) we have to ask for permission. I am stuck in the house. And, I was so happy on Monday. Why? I saw a train... of deer in our backyard. It was amazing. So many pictures of deer.
Monday night, was interesting. So, you know the house of hoarders? Well, we went back. We thought we were done and the house was locked up with the people gone. No, they still had more stuff they wanted and, due to our failure to warn the elders (due to the false celebration), we ended up helping them. This time without masks, because, well, it was put on us. We could have chosen not to help, but, hey, we are good people. That house has so many cobwebs, so much stuff. I mean, last time, it actually looked cleaner, but more stuff seemed to come. We took off our jackets, bags, watches and left outside. I know, stupid, but I would not want to have anything lost in the house and I would not want to have anything that has been in that house. We helped their son who is pagan. It was a good lesson of loving everyone and getting out of your comfort zone. (I still had to take shower, apply soap twice, and wash my clothes.)
Not much in the way of investigators. More tracting. Some new potentials to teach.
All is well.
Elder S. Todd
P.S. I totally forgot. Thank you for the Valentines Day stuff. I hope you had a good St. Valentines Day. Still think about Al Capone when I hear St. Valentines Day. I am glad to have loving parents of whom I am so well blessed. Also, good CD choice, I heard it many times by my previous companion. I now have that, plus the two Mormon Tabernacle Choir CDs and the Essential Missionary Collection (Elder Longman gave it to me on Christmas). Also, when was the Roman Emperor Caesar assassinated? I was filling in my new planner and I could not remember if it was the 14th or 15th that he got assassinated. (March 14th) Because, I totally want to say to people, "Beware the Ides of March."
Further note on my bike. So, the person who is fixing it said that the wheel was loose, thus the gears were not engaging. I cannot take it off road, so no more trails. Hopefully, it is fixed. And the person who fixed it is a member who loves bikes, knows what to do, and it is free. He also put oil in it. So, we will see what else will go on.